The Alewives are Running!

Spent the day in Brooksville, Maine where the incredile Bagaduce River works its way 12 slow miles emptying into the Penobscot Bay near Castine. This day in May we were especially fortunate to view the diadromous Alewives making their way upstream to spawn. The river was alive and so full of life- You felt as if you could walk on the water atop the backs of the tens of thousands of fish working their way upstream in bits and spurts, resting, and then again fits and spurts, and then again. Amazing!

Recently I had begun some new paintings with Alwives and the rushing spring waters of Maine as the focal point and this was a treat to see this first hand. I think my new work captured the feeling I had imagined and this has all helped me complete the paintings for this summer’s exhibitions. I am always working in that space between the imagined and the experienced, but together magical things can happen- That is what I am always searching for in my work.