I have always been drawn to birds, but while at Louisiana State University I was able to explore my fascination with the natural world with a more hands on approach when my graduate printmaking facilities shared Foster Hall with the LSU Museum of Natural History. I could spend hours on rainy Louisiana days studying birds, moths, and other specimens up close and personal. Life in Louisiana also found me overcoming a life long fear of water when I purchased my first boat. Exploring the brackish waters that separated land and the Gulf of Mexico was a wonderland of birds, fish, land, and sea! I was in love.
20 plus years later I still find myself drawn, yes a pun, to birds and other wildlife. Living now on another coast with so much to see I continue my science and storytelling through picture making, The above images are small studies from the Lunar Cycles Series begun two years ago in Maine and are on view at Makers’ Market Shop and Studio in Brooksville, ME this summer.
I spent much time in the bird collection at LSU as our Printmaking Program shared the basement of Foster Hall on the LSU campus.