The second pandemic project was akin to what I am working on in the studio now but was a team effort with Artist Dave Hurley again and we were fortunate this time to receive a grant award through the Maine Street Bucksport organization and The Maine Community Foundation where we collaborated with the then organization head Brook Minner and David Weiss, executive director of Northeast Historic Film and The Alamo Theater, in downtown Bucksport, Maine. This mural let Dave and I loose in regards to really using the shaped mural panel idea to its advantage in allowing the modest funding (And generous donation of materials by Hammond Lumber of Bucksport) to activate this massive wall- It also allowed us to paint it indoors over the LONG Maine Covid winter. We we’re thrilled to see it finally up in April 2021 with assistance of our friend and local contractor Greg Bullard! #peterwallsart#davidhurleyworld#mainestreetbucksport#bucksportmaine #mainemurals#maineartist #maineartist#thealamotheater
Mural Close up installed on The Old Alamo Theater in Downtown Bucksport, Maine.
Artists with mural.
Working on mural panels in studio over the winter of 2020.