WOW! A year of planning and collaborating with someone new is always risky, but this one ended on a great note- Inspiring, fulfilling and energizing.
Sometimes you just KNOW a good time was had!
Annette Sohns Dodd is was of the co-owners of The Rock and Art Shop, she is a shaker and mover in making Bangor, Maine a better place, AND an extraordinary Artist herself. We met when an acquaintance turned her onto my Artwork in 2019 and she offered me a show at her Sohns Gallery which I ended up installing last year after a long “covid” delay. We both LOVE mural painting and quickly decided after my exhibition to plan a future mural together with the Kenduskeag Stream Trail entrance in mind; A plan was hatched and talks with the City of Bangor began for proper permissions as well as taking on writing a grant through The Maine Arts Commission and their Covid related ArtJobs Grant.
This Franklin Street location, at the foot of the Post Office exit ramp was an eyesore too say the least and an interesting location layout that inspired what was to come. The before and after images say it all.
I am ALWAYS amazed at what color can do!
With a very loose sketch and many many ideas we began . . . .. …
I used the winter to create Seven shaped panels inspired by the wildlife of the stream itself and Annette began planning the backdrop fro the panels. As I varnished the panels in early May the Maine weather warmed enough to begin priming the concrete wall and making final color choices. By mid June we were ready to install the panels with the incredible assistance of Michael and his sign installers.
Annette and loosely planned the backdrop and layout leaving room for things to change as needed.
Kingfisher, Bass, Trout, and Salmon all ready to varnish.
Dragonfly, Golden Eyed Duck, and the Painted Turtle.
We had so much fun and have received so much greta feedback from this project that another is in the works with an additional mural surprise next summer! Yay!