The events of 2020 stopped us all in our tracks, but the silver lining of such events was for me to regroup and retool for the new world ahead of us all. I have always used watercolors for mural presentations and “sketches” but never took the time to explore this incredble medium. Daily excersices (meditations) have given me necessary moments of internal peace and also allows me to Play! A luxery for a mid career working Artist. For now this is just an image gallery of these explorations with the goal of an online gallery-store fully functioning by mid July. Enjoy-
ArtMaine 2020 Juried Selection!!!!
Thrilled to be juried in for the second straight time to ArtMaine 2020 - Most collectable Artists in MAINE! Yes, even we Artists like our 15 minutes or so. . . . . … Well, I suppose everyone likes a little attention for doing what they LOVE and I LOVE what I do.
ArtMaine 2020